Happy Pride Month! Buffalo Pride week will be celebrated June 6 – 12, 2021. Please go here for the list of all the events happening throughout the week and the month in Buffalo, New York.
“We can all take a lesson out of the LGBTQ+ pride book. They have the bravery to take pride in who they are despite every indication that some other people might not like it. When who you intrinsically are is received as a political statement, serious measures must be taken to preserve your self-esteem. When others try to shame you for who you are, pride is a life-saving response. Every person in the LGBTQ+ community is the embodiment of bravery and courage. Simply waking up in the morning and owning your truest self is something we all need to practice. While you may not be hiding your preferred sexuality, maybe you feel like you have to hide or restrain some other part of yourself. I challenge you to fully embrace it. Be your most authentic and truest self and walk it with confidence. Who you are is supposed to be unique and different — and in that, there is perfection. Never forget that.”
Written by Laura Hale, Executive Assistant and Diversity and Inclusion Officer of Endeavor Health Services.